Spatial AI

Retail AI, Space Analytics

Spatial AI:
A New Era in Space Analytics and Retail AI

People detected and tracked anonymously from multiple cameras are merged into one to get tracking people's movements in a large area.

Deeping Source is pioneering in the realm of AI-driven space monitoring with our MTMC Tracking technology. This innovative solution offers unparalleled precision in tracking individuals across vast areas, providing deep insights into movement patterns in environments such as malls, department stores, and supermarkets, crucial for Retail AI applications.

Our Advanced Approach

Leveraging advanced object detection and sophisticated multi-object tracking (MOT) techniques, our MTMC system sets a new standard in Space analytics. It ensures a cohesive tracking experience across multiple camera feeds, capturing detailed interactions and movements.

Space Analytics for Any Environment

Our MTMC technology is adaptable, meeting the unique demands of various environments from cozy boutiques to extensive warehouses. It's the versatility that makes it a cornerstone for Retail AI, offering comprehensive Space analytics to improve operational efficiency and  customer experience.

Space Analytics for Every Environment

Our MTMC technology is adaptable, meeting the unique demands of various environments from cozy boutiques to extensive warehouses. It's the versatility that makes it a cornerstone for Retail AI, offering detailed Space analytics to improve operational efficiency and elevate customer experiences.

Data-driven Insights in Real-Time

Our MTMC solution provides real-time actionable insights, enabling businesses to instantly refine operational strategies according to customer interactions.

Step Into the Future with Deeping Source

Embrace the future of intelligentSpace analytics with Deeping Source's MTMC Tracking. Discover how our cutting-edge technology can transform your Retail AI strategy, providing actionable insights to revolutionize your business. Contact us for a demonstration today.

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